Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dynamite National Finals

CONGRATULATIONS to the CSDS Comp Team. In Philadelphia the team earned 2 Platinums, 2 High Golds, and 13 Golds at Dynamite. Mambo Italiano, Bugle Boy, and Apologize had the opportunity to film 30 seconds of their routines to be used for Dynamite advertising and The Stepp Stewart Show. The top 5 routines from each age division in the small and large groups were selected to be in the showcase on the final day of competition. Congratulations to Bandstand Boogie, 1st Place Junior Small Group and winner of $500, Can Can, 4th Place Junior Small Group, and Escapade, 5th Place Teen Small Group. Thanks to all dancers, Miss D and Mr. N for your wonderful work this season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME! Congratulations CSDS! :)